HO Scale | BN #1 GE 44-Tonner Phase Ib (Standard DC)
OH Pre-Order Price: $169.95
This is a future release from Rapido Trains. You may pre-order this item from our site to secure your model from this production. No payment is due at the time of placing your pre-order. You will be notified upon delivery of the model(s) and we will then make arrangements to finalize your purchase. Please note the item price is set to $0.00 for the purpose of pre-ordering only. We do not want to collect payment well in advance of the models' arrival. The OH Pre-Order Price listed above is the amount that will be billed per model at the time of delivery. Shipping charges will be added at that time. Please contact us at [email protected] for call 765.289.4257 if you need to adjust your order before the models arrive.
- fully assembled and factory finished
- multiple phases and detail variations as follows:
- -Phase Ia/b; no vent, butt hinges, side radiators, side steps, solid front and front sand fillers
- -Phase Ic; no vent, butt hinges, side radiators, corner steps, solid front and front sand fillers
- -Phase II; hatch vent, butt hinges, small sand fillers, corner steps and end radiators
- -Phase III; hatch vent, flat hinges, large sand fillers, corner steps and end radiators
- -Phase IV; open vent, flat hinges, large sand fillers, corner steps and end radiators
- heavy, die-cast chassis and fuel tank
- correct fuel tank skirting in three styles
- separately applied door latches
- full cab interior
- photo-etched cab steps
- smooth running, strong coreless motor with dual flywheels
- DC models are DCC ready with factory installed speakers
- DCC models are sound equipped with ESU decoders and "Mo-Power" capacitor system for uninterrupted DCC power
